
Welcome to HTBomb's Magical Hot Wheels. I played with Mattel Hot Wheels when I was a kid and began collecting them as an adult in 1996 shortly after leaving a 79 cent limited edition Treasure Hunt Passion on the pegs at KMart. That car is now worth $100! Several months later I found and bought three Treasure Hunts at Target. I was hooked.

I am interested in buying childhood collections of toy cars: Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Corgi, Husky, Dinky and Topper Johnny Lightning; Slot cars from Cox, Aurora and Tyco AF/X; Plastic model kits from AMT, Monogram, MPC. Please contact me via my website link below.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dale Jr. Mountain Dew Batman NASCAR

I digress a bit because I'm disgusted by something I just saw on the Internet.

Dale Jr. is proud of his new Batman DARK KNIGHT movie paint because, "it’s pretty cool that the paint scheme they picked is the one I helped create."  Seems there was a Mountain Dew contest to pick the scheme to be used for Dale's NASCAR Impala.

I'm sorry but when my car gets hit by bird poop on the hood it's nothing to brag about.

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